Hi, people (well, actually kinda noone i think...)
My mind wasn't clear last post.
Well, thing is, I forgot the Egyptians. I mean those non-muslim ancient guys from like over 9000 (or at least like 5000) ago, who wrote using Hiëroglyphs. There's still noone in this time who can read the stories found in the Pyramids and tombs. Well, we know quite few signs now, like the sign for water, which is the same as the one for the letter 'N'.
But until recent findings 'we' never knew the signs for emotions. Hell, some people even doubted if the Egyptians had emotions (c'mon, the drawings never show any sign of emotion).
I, however, was bloody familiar with the Egyptian way of describing emotions. I mean, I was born there for Ra's sake! (see, I use the Egyptian sun god's name!)
Man, that birth was awful...
I wasn't written or some'n, i was CARVED! Do you know how it feels to be CARVED!? Probably not, I mean, CARVING hasn't been done much since they began writing stuff on paper. I know, they had papyrus, but the first final version of an Hiëroglyph was always CARVED in a Pharao's tomb.
Now, people will, or won't, wonder why these signs for emotion hadn't been discovered until recently. You people might know that like every tomb was raided sometime (loooooooong before Tomb Raider raided her first one). I was, seemingly, so cool every tomb raider took the part of the wall with my picture on it with him. How about Tutanchamon? He was completely emotionless.
A few weeks ago however, they've found one of my early pictures! It was found behind some huge-ass door. 40 bodies were found there too...
Here's the picture.
See I was even honoured by the Scarabee-Eagle thingy... That´s like the holiest animal of the Ancient Egypt!
Yay! Keep on writing :)